Welcome to VersionCrazy

Welcome to VersionCrazy. The manifesto is yet to be written, but the general gist is to celebrate the vinyl/CD/cassette/memorabilia releases of musical gems and curiosities from the punk era onwards.

If your thing is grabbing music for free as quickly and effortlessly as possible, stripped of its context and thinking that owning countless lumps of vinyl, CD, cassette etc is dumb, then this probably isn’t the site for you. However, if the beauty of sleeve design, multiple versions, difficult to find obscurities and curios still has its appeal, along with notes about the historical context, then the revolution starts here, comrade. That is, unless you read from the bottom of the page backwards…

Mindful of the sporadic nature of social media and revisiting pages never knowing if there is something new or not, as of January 2019, I am aiming to publish at least two posts a month, on the 14th and 28th of the month, 17:00 local time – let’s see how long that lasts…

Update, June 2020: The discipline of sticking to a set deadline has lasted surprisingly well and as of this month, I’ve upped the publishing schedule to four posts a month, on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th, 17:00 local time – let’s see how long that lasts…

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