How fitting that a band for whom the word ‘cute’ would so often be applied to, to the point of overdose, should see a 3″ CD miniature of their 1984 single ‘Since Yesterday’ appear and which can only be described as… errrrr… cute, when shrunk down to such a size.

The packaging is a pretty accurate take on the Japanese 7″ release, though the label design differs and it doesn’t include the extra black and white gatefold insert that came with the 7″. It appears to hail from 2004, released as part of a series of ’70s/’80s classic hits to accompany sweets, apparently. Sadly, despite the cover art retained from the original 7 inch single design which lists the original B side too, the CD is a one track only affair, so ‘By The Sea’ is not present – a real shame as it is one of the songs which never made it on to the Japanese 1997 re-issue of the ‘Strawberry Switchblade’ album and remains unissued on CD to date. The version of ‘Since Yesterday’ is the regular 7″ single/album version.

Wow! Little CD3s to accompany candy. Just like Chu-Bops®! of course, we all wanted the “Telekon” Chu-Bop® back in the day! I’m happy to see the CD3 format still clinging to life. I remember that when they were getting ready to introduce the 3″ CD single, I even had a dream about finding them for sale. I once actually dreamt that I found a CD3 of the “Sensoria” 12″ on CD3. Sad, eh?
I had one of of those ‘Telekon’ chu-bops, lol. Odd little items.