Sold on their 1985 ‘Outside World’ tour, this small metal/enamel badge, delightfully inscribed with the legend, ‘The Propaganda Wish’ adds a dash of icy cool ‘Abba from Hell’ synth rock sophistication to any lapel!

Sold on their 1985 ‘Outside World’ tour, this small metal/enamel badge, delightfully inscribed with the legend, ‘The Propaganda Wish’ adds a dash of icy cool ‘Abba from Hell’ synth rock sophistication to any lapel!
Did you know Ian peel has pilfered this image and put it on the official ztt facebook page, without a credit saying where it came from?
Didn’t know that…thanks for letting me know… Am not on Facebook, so hadn’t spotted that.
the outside world tour, 5th nov 1985 at the powerhouse in birmingham. i remember it well. a small club and i was pressed right up close to the stage, just inches away from susanne freyag for the whole concert, bliss.
then jerico was the support band and were rather fantastic. they sold their privatly pressed 12″ single of the big sweep afterwards (and they would scribble all over it if you asked them too)